HarvardX's Computer Science for Artificial Intelligence Professional Certificate
Course 1: Introduction to Computer Science
Arrays, Algorithms, Memory and Data Structures in C
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Theory on Ethics, Security, and Artificial Intelligence
Final Project
Course 2: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
Searching Algorithms: Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, A*Search, GBFS
Knowledge Representation: propositional logic, first-order logic
Handling Uncertainty: Probability distributions, Bayes' Rule and Bayesian Network, inferences by enumeration vs sampling, Markov Chain Models, Hidden Markov Models
Optimisation: Local minimum/ maximum search, node and arc consistency, backtracking search.
Learning: Supervised learning, perceptron learning, SVM, regression, loss functions, overfitting, regularisation, reinforcement learning, Q-learning, unsupervised learning
Neural Networks: activation functions, network structure, gradient descent, backpropagation, overfitting, TensorFlow, convolution
Natural Language Processing: Parsing text, Question Answering
A Few Selected Assignments from "Introduction to Computer Science"
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"Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python"
In the course of 7 units, I was introduced to a variety of different topics in the field of AI. Each unit consisted of a lecture covering theory, application fields, and pseudo-implementation, followed by a quiz and one or more projects. The vast majority of the time was spent solving the problem-sets, which was great hands-on practice.
This course helped me assemble my first neural network in TensorFlow, implement AI systems for natural language processing (even a basic system for question answering), creating a programme to train an AI to be unbeatable in a game of nim through reinforcement learning, or tic tac toe through Minimax logic, or Minesweeper through propositional logic.
Taking this course alongside my MSc Applied Geoinformatics has fit perfectly to help me dig a little deeper into the informatics side. Since the course was also highly project-oriented, I was able to constantly practice and refine my python programming.
Some Video Demos
A system for Question Answering (Natural Language Processing)
A system for Question Answering (Natural Language Processing)
An AI to Parse Sentences and Extract Noun Phrases
An AI to win at Minesweeper
An AI to generate Crossword Puzzles
An AI that teaches itself to play Nim through reinforcement learning
Trying to beat my programme at TicTacToe
Assignments from "Introduction to AI with Python"
By clicking on the download button, you will download a .zip file with the programme files.